The staff of Bible for Children as well as members of the Board of Directors annually affirm their Christian commitment by signing the following statement of faith:
We believe the Bible to be the Divinely inspired and only infallible, inerrant Word of God, and the supreme authority in all matters of faith and conduct, and is God's complete and final revelation to humanity.
We believe in the Trinity of the Deity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, equal and coexistent from all eternity, yet inscrutably one.
We believe in the Virgin Birth of our Lord Jesus Christ, His eternal Deity and His sinless humanity. We accept literally His miracles, His death upon the cross as the only atonement for sinners, His glorious bodily ascension to Heaven, and His promise to return for His people and to establish His glorious kingdom in righteousness.
We believe man to be lost in his natural condition, at enmity with God, and that to die without Christ is to perish forever. We believe salvation to be by grace through faith in Christ alone, the new birth being the work of the Holy Spirit in the soul. We affirm that the believer is indwelt by the Spirit of God upon conversion, and that the fruit of the Spirit is the only necessary evidence of this indwelling. We believe in the resurrection of the saved to eternal life, and of the lost to eternal punishment.