Alkitab untuk Anak-anak

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1 Ketika Tuhan mencipta segala benda
2 Permulaan Kesedihan Seseorang Manusia
3 Nuh dan Banjir
4 Janji Allah kepada Abraham
5 Allah menguji kasih Abraham
6 Yakub si penipu
7 Anak kesayangan menjadi hamba
8 Allah Memberkati Yusuf, siHamba
9 Putera Dari Sungai
10 The Prince Becomes a Shepherd
11 Goodbye Pharaoh
12 Forty Years
13 Joshua Takes Charge
14 Samson, God's Strong Man
15 Tentera kecil Gideon
16 Rut: Sebuah kisah cinta
17 Samuel, Anak Tuhan - Pelayan
18 The Handsome Foolish King
19 Daud si Anak Gembala
20 David the King (Part 1)
21 David the King (Part 2)
22 Wise King Solomon
23 Good Kings, Bad Kings
24 The Man of Fire
25 Elisha, Man of Miracles
26 Jonah and the Big Fish
27 Isaiah Sees the Future
28 Jeremiah, Man of Tears
29 Ezekiel: Man of Visions
30 Beautiful Queen Esther
31 Daniel the Captive
32 Daniel and the Mystery Dream
33 The Men Who Would Not Bend
34 Daniel and the Lions' Den
35 The Great Wall of Nehemiah

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Read the Bible
37 A Man Sent From God
38 A Terrible Time for Jesus
39 Jesus Chooses 12 Helpers
41 A Temple Leader Visits Jesus
42 Jesus the Great Teacher
43 The Farmer and the Seed
44 Rich Man, Poor Man
45 The Prodigal Son
46 The Good Samaritan
47 The Woman at the Well
48 Jesus Stills the Stormy Sea
49 The Girl Who Lived Twice
50 Jesus Heals the Blind
51 Jesus Feeds 5000 People
52 Jesus and Lazarus
53 Jesus and Zaccheus
55 The Birth of the Church
56 Gereja menghadapi kesulitan
57 Peter and the Power of Prayer
58 Dari Penganiaya Menjadi Pengkhotbah
59 Paul's Amazing Travels