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Good News from Laos

The Start of Mans Sadness Lao p5

Good News from Laos Laos Flag
Bible for Children is now providing Bible stories for the children of Laos. There are over 3 million people in Laos, and over 20 million other speakers of the Laotian language. Only 2.4% of the population are evangelical Christians. This picture from The Start of Man’s Sadness shows the Laotian text. Please pray for Laos.

And a little child shall lead them. (Isaiah 11:6)
“Daddy, daddy, Jesus told me not to spend my allowance,” said eight-year-old Billy. “I think He wants to do something special.”
“Well, did He tell you what to do with it?” asked his surprised father.
“Not yet,” replied Billy. “But after you paid for my summer camp registration, Robert said he couldn’t go to camp this year because his Dad isn’t working.”
Dad became very quiet. Later that day Billy was listening to a Christian radio program. He heard a message about helping others and suddenly he knew what he had to do. He rushed over to his Dad’s room.
“Daddy, Daddy, now I know what I should do! I should help to pay for Robert’s camp this year.” Then his face clouded. “I don’t think five dollars is enough money.”
“Five dollars is exactly the right amount,” Dad said. “I was thinking about Robert’s camp registration too. I checked the money in my wallet and I was exactly five dollars short.”
That evening, Dad took Billy over to the church and they paid the camp fee. “Don’t forget, Billy, we are giving this money to the Lord, not to Robert. This is called a church sponsorship and nobody else needs to hear about our part in it.”
Although Dad smiled, his tone was serious.
When the family prayed together that evening, Dad gave thanks that God had spoken to his heart through Billy. And Billy felt so happy that his friend Robert could now go to camp.
Prayer: Dear God, thank You for speaking to and through Billy. Please speak to and through me. Amen.