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Good News from Pakistan

When God Made Everything Brahui

Good News from Pakistan

Bible for Children is soon providing Bible stories for children in Pakistan who speak Brahui.  There are 2.4 million people that speak this language.  This picture from When God Made Everything shows the Brahui text.  Please pray for Pakistan.


He who has been stealing must steal no longer. Ephesians 4:28

One day, Joey pulled an orange out of his pocket. He split it with his younger brother, Danny.

“Where did you get that?” Danny asked.

“From the store. I stole it.” Joey told him.

Danny thought his brother was a real hero. “Was it hard to do?”

“I backed up against a big orange box and put one into my back pocket,” Joey said. “It’s easy. Tomorrow, you can try.”

Next day, the boys went to the same store. Danny backed up to the big box and put an orange into his back pocket. On their way home Danny tore the orange in half and took a bite.

“Yuck. It’s sour,” he shouted.

‘That’s not an orange, Danny! It’s a lemon.” Joey told him. The boys threw away the lemon. When they got home, the storekeeper was at their house, talking to their Dad.

“Tell Dad we didn’t do it,” Joey whispered. “There’s no proof.”

“Come here, boys.” Dad spoke sternly. “Let me smell your hands.” He sniffed at the boys’ hands then gave the storekeeper some coins.

“Lemon. I’m afraid you’re right. I will look after this,” Dad said to the storekeeper. “And I’m sorry that my boys have brought shame on them and on me.”

The boys felt bad.

“I have forgiven you - and paid for what you stole,” Dad told them. “If you tell God you’re sorry, He will forgive you and help you not to steal again.”

Joey and Danny both did what Dad said - and they never stole again.

Prayer: Dear Lord, thank You for helping me not to steal. And thank You for forgiving all my sins. Amen.

(Jake Peters. Winnipeg, Canada.)