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The little foxes spoil the vines. Song of Solomon 2:15

The Sunday School teacher held up a large sheet of white paper, completely blank except for a small black ink spot in one corner of the sheet. The spot was about the size of a quarter. She asked the class, 'What do you see?' Everybody got a turn to answer and every body said, 'I see a black spot.'

'Let's take a closer look at the black spot,' the teacher said. The students saw that the black spot was actually the shape of a small fox.

'First,' the teacher continued, 'you all said you saw the black spot. Did nobody see the white? There is a hundred times more white than black. Yet, you all saw the black!'

'Second,' the teacher said, 'look closely at the black spot. You see, it is in the shape of a little fox. I want us to memorize a verse of Scripture today - and remember that the little fox teaches us a big lesson. If we let some little sin stay in our life, that's what people will see. Not the good God has done in us, but the little fox.'

The verse the children memorized? You've guessed it. Song of Solomon 2:15. You should learn this verse too. It will help you to keep your life clean for God.

Prayer: Dear Lord, help me to keep my life clean for You so people will see Your work in me. Amen.