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Make straight the way of the LORD. John 1:23

The man called John the Baptist must have seemed a strange fellow to those who met him for the first time.  He wore a strange outfit made of camel skins and he ate stranged food like locusts and wild honey.  He must have been a good runner to get the honey and escape from the bees.

John was a special servant of God.  His job was to tell others who Jesus is.  And John did that, even though important people didn't want to hear about Jesus and made it hard for John.  But nothing could make him keep quiet.

'I am the voice of one crying in the wilderness,' John shouted out.  'Make straight the way of the LORD.'  John said this because in Bible days, when a king or other important person traveled, gangs of workers shoveled away the hills and made the road flat and straight.  John was saying that Jesus, God's Son, had come from heaven, and He should be welcomed as an important guest.

Do you think everybody welcomed Jesus?  Do you welcome Jesus?

Prayer: Dear Lord, thank You that Your Son Jesus came to my world.  Thank You for Your servant, John the Baptist, who spoke up for You.  Help me to do the same.  Amen.