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Workers together with Him (Christ). 2 Corinthians 6:1

Lionel had never been to a concert like this before. He went because Grandma wanted him to.

The concert hall was bigger than the ice rink - there must have been hundreds of people there. And the musicians! The men all wore black suits and white shirts that made them look a bit like penguins. And the women wore long black dresses with white collars.

On the platform Lionel saw ordinary violins, bigger violins, and huge violins that nobody could possibly stick under their chin.

'These are violas and cello's, dear, 'Grandma explained. 'Now, sit still. The concert is about to begin.'

Suddenly, everybody picked up their instrument and began to play. But they didn't play the same tune. In fact, there was no tune. It sounded to Lionel like it could be feeding time at the zoo. He clapped his hands over his ears.

'I don't like this kind of music, Grandma. Let's go home.'

Grandma smiled. 'They're just tuning their instruments, Lionel. Let's wait and hear the first song.'

The conductor came and waved his little white baton. All the musicians followed his instructions, playing as he directed.

'That was beautiful. I like it.' Lionel smiled. 'Let's not go home yet.' And they stayed to the very end of the concert.

On the way home, Grandma explained that a symphony orchestra sounds awful when everybody is doing their own thing at the same time. But when they work together under the direction of the conductor, they make beautiful music.

'It's like that in the church, too,' Grandma said. 'When all of God's children do as God directs, good things happen.'

Prayer: Lord, please direct my life to do my part in Your work. For Jesus' sake. Amen.