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Choose you this day whom you will serve. Joshua 24:15

Billy's friends had a plan. They were going to sneak into the orchard and steal some apples.

'You coming, Billy?' James asked. He grinned. 'We're helping old Farmer Brown. He can't eat all those apples himself.'

'No,' Billy answered. 'I'm not going to steal.'

'It's not stealing. It's only a few apples. They'll probably fall and rot. Come on.'

Shaking his head, Billy turned away. 'No.'

'Okay, we'll get the apples. You stay outside and keep watch.'

Still Billy resisted. 'If I do that, it's the same as if I steal apples with you,' he said.

James got angry. 'If he doesn't do this with us, he doesn't do anything with us,' he told the other boys.

Billy knew he was making a choice. 'God doesn't want me to steal,' he said. 'I'm going to do what God says.' And he walked away.

Prayer: Dear Lord, thank You that Billy made the right choice. Help me to be like him. For Jesus' sake. Amen.