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For He spoke, and it was done. Psalm 33:9

Billy's dad planned to make a birdhouse. He took pieces of wood and cut them carefully. Then he nailed and glued them together. When the birdhouse was finished, he painted it in bright colors to attract the birds.

Billy was impressed. 'That's just like how God made the world,' he told his dad. 'Before, there was no birdhouse. Now, there it is. You made it.'

Billy's dad laughed. 'Not quite like God,' he said. 'I had to find the wood and glue and nails and paint before I made the birdhouse. When God made the world, there was nothing to make it with. God made the world out of nothing. Only God can do that.'

'How could God do that,' Billy wanted to know.

'It's beyond our understanding,' Dad said, 'but it shows us how wonderful God is.'

Prayer: Lord, thank You that You are the great Creator and my Heavenly Father. Amen.