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No one can do these signs (miracles) that You do unless God is with him. John 3:2

Most of the priests were angry at Jesus.  But one, an old man with the long name of Nicodemus, must have done some thinking.  He came to Jesus one night to say that Jesus must be from God because only God can do miracles.

Of course this was true, but Jesus wanted to move on to something else that was also true.  The most important thing in life is to be part of God's kingdom; to know God; to be in God's family.  That was the most important thing Jesus wanted to tell the world.

Nicodemus was very religious.  He was an important man with lots of money.  He was a leader in the community.  Maybe he thought that was enough to please God.  Jesus said there was something else which had to happen before Nicodemus, or anybody, could be part of God's kingdom.  Jesus said, 'You must be born again.' (Verse 7)

Wow!  Telling an old man he must be born again.  Nicodemus couldn't understand that.  Do you?

Prayer: Lord Jesus, there's lots I don't understand, but I'm glad You always tell the truth.  Help me to trust You.  Amen.