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If anybody opens the door ... I will come in. Revelation 3:20

'I'm telling Mom you did that!' Bart yelled.

'I already did tell her' Marcia replied. 'And she forgave me.'

Have you ever wished you could be forgiven for sins that you know are in your heart, even if nobody else knows about them? The good news about your sins is that God will forgive them, if you will confess them to Him. When Jesus died on the Cross, it was to pay the penalty for your sins. If you've never done so, why not tell Him you're a sinner and invite Him into your heart to be your Saviour and Lord.

Prayer: Thank You that You are a God who forgives sin. Amen.

I will go to my father and say, 'I have sinned.' Luke 15:18

In Luke 15, in the Bible, there is a sad but exciting story about a boy who left his father's love and wandered into a distant country.

When all his money was gone, he got a job looking after pigs. In the smelly pig-pen, hungry and sad, the boy decided to go home and admit he had sinned. Maybe his father would forgive him.

Do you think the father forgave? Read Luke 15:21,22, to find out.

Prayer: Lord, thank You that You are always willing to forgive us when we return to You. Amen.

Let him that stole, steal no more. Ephesians 4:28

Ted took his brother's new bike. He thought his brother wouldn't know about it. But Ted hit a fire hydrant and buckled the wheel.

'I know it was you who did it!' Ted's brother said. But Ted would not admit he had done it.

Because of his lie, Ted could not enjoy his brother's forgiveness. Ted could not enjoy his brother's love. Finally, Ted owned up to the truth. He said he was sorry and promised that he would never again take his brother's bike without permission. Now forgiveness - and love - could flow.

Prayer: Lord, thank You that when we confess, You forgive. Amen.

We walk by faith, not by sight. 2 Corinthians 5:7

Did you ever see something that wasn't there? Laura Reddig and her leper patients did. They looked at a bare field and saw (with the eyes of faith) hospital buildings, school class rooms, dispensaries, a church, and missionary homes.

Praying for God to help them, Laura and her friends then worked hard to bring what they had seen by faith into existence.

God wants to show us what He will do if we will trust Him and work for Him.

Prayer: Lord, thank You for all that faith and work can do in Jesus' Name. Amen.

Then said Jesus, 'Father, forgive them.' Luke 23:34

Stephen, the first man we know about who was killed because he was a follower of Jesus, prayed for the people who stoned him to death.

'Lord, do not lay this sin to their charge,' he asked God. How like Jesus, Who prayed for His murderers. 'Father, forgive them. For they do not know what they do.'

In the years and centuries since Stephen's death, many missionaries were put to death by people who did not want to hear about Jesus. But other missionaries have followed them because they are sure that God loves everybody, even murderers.

Prayer: Loving Father, help me to be brave in telling others about Jesus. Amen.