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The heavens declare the glory of God. Psalm 19:1

In some countries it is against the law to tell others about Jesus. Missionaries are not allowed to come, and national Christians are often put in jail or harmed because they love Jesus.

Some missionaries work hard to tell the people of these countries about Jesus by beaming in radio programs. If a missionary cannot go into the country, a national Christian can come out and speak to his own people in their language through the radio programs.

God has many ways of reaching the hearts and ears of people who want to hear about Jesus.

Prayer: Father, bless and protect all who tell others about Jesus. Amen.

Give Me your heart and...observe My ways. Proverbs23:26

Laura Reddig came home from Africa after five years to tell the churches about the great need for many missionaries.

'Nurses are needed, teachers, preachers, helpers of all kinds,' Laura reported to the churches.

Many people thought Laura's request for 100 missionaries was impossible.

But God answered prayer.  He didn't stop at 100. As time passed, many people gave their lives to God for missionary service in Cameroon. Many more than 100 missionaries have gone to that land since Laura was there. They all speak of the same Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ.

Prayer: Lord, thank You for the missionaries who tell others about Jesus. Amen.

You shall find rest. ... For My burden is light. Matthew 11:30

In Scotland many years ago, school children were allowed to miss classes to help farmers bring in the potato harvest.

Though it was a holiday from school lessons, it was hard work in the fields. Many times during the day, the children got so tired they felt like quitting. But most didn't. At night, they went right to bed and next morning they were ready for another hard day's work.

Missionary service is hard work. But God gives enough strength for each of us to do what He calls us to do.

Prayer: Father, help me to work for You in all that I do. Amen.

Holding forth the word of life. Philippians 2:16

'Did your fathers know about God's Son, Jesus?' somebody asked the missionary.

When he said yes, the person then asked, 'Why did your fathers not come to our land to tell our fathers?'

There are many nations in the world. Many different languages. Many hearts that hunger for God. Many people who want to know how they can find God. But only a few Christians are willing to leave home to be God's servants among the nations.

Are you one of the willing ones?

Prayer: Here I am, Lord. Help me to tell others that You love them. Amen.

The fields are white to harvest. John 4:35

A large black cloud hung over the prairie. Rain was near. The golden ocean of grain was ready to be harvested. Working very hard, the farmers worked hour after hour in the sun's heat and under the moon's light. They hardly stopped to eat and sleep. These farmers wanted to get the harvest off the field and into the storage barn before the rain delayed or even destroyed it.

God wants His children to work hard telling others about Jesus before it is too late.

Can God count on you to be faithful today?

Prayer: Make me one of Your workers in the harvest, Lord. Amen.