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The king saw the part of the hand that wrote. Daniel 5:5

Brent knew the rules.  No talking in class while the teacher is teaching.  But Brent had news for his friend.  He began to whisper.

When it happened a third time, Brent saw the teacher's hand move to the chalk.  Oh, no!  In large letters, Brent's name appeared on the chalkboard.  The fourth-grade boy knew what this meant.  He would spend recess in class.

Hearing his friends playing outside during recess, Brent wished many times that he had not broken the class rules.

Prayer: Lord, help me to live in a way that keeps my name off Your chalkboard.  Amen.

Whatever you want men to do to you, do also to them. Matthew 7:12

In the sport of soccer there is a tradition called the Fair Play rule.  

For example, if a player gets injured and can't get up off the ground, somebody from the other team may kick the ball out of play instead of using the advantage to try and score.  He is following the unwritten rule of good sportsmanship so that the injured player may receive quicker attention.

The Fair Play tradition is one way of following the Golden Rule which Jesus spoke about in today's verse.  

Can you think of other ways?

Prayer: Father, help me to live out Your fair play rule today.  Amen.

And the Lord God ... breathed into man ... the breath of life. Genesis 2:7

The canoe tipped, and young Kevin splashed into the icy water.  Before help arrived, he was unconscious at the bottom of the river.  Dragging him to shore, his rescuer breathed into the drowned boy's mouth.  

Soon, Kevin breathed on his own.

Hundreds of years ago, a young man said, 'The Spirit of God has made me and the breath of the Almighty gives me life.' (Job 33:3)  

That young man hadn't fallen out of a canoe!  But he knew how God made the first man, Adam.

Prayer: Lord, I thank You for giving me the breath of life.  Amen.

How great is Your goodness ... for them that trust in You. Psalm 31:19

A lady called Ethel Waters used to sing, 'God's eye is on the sparrow, And I know He cares for me.'  Ethel knew this because God's Word says so.  

Even though there are countless millions of sparrows in the world, God made each one and cares for each one.  Jesus told people that they were worth much more than sparrows.  Then He said, 'If God cares for the sparrows, won't He also look after you...?'  

Next time you see a sparrow, thank God for His love which cares for sparrows - and for you.

Prayer: Thank you, Lord, for caring for my daily needs.  Amen.

I will be with you; I will not fail you. Joshua 1:5

The Golden Boy was made in France as a gift to the people of Manitoba, Canada. But the boat carrying the Golden Boy to Canada had to be used for war, so the Golden Boy lay in the cargo hold for five years, sailing back and forth across the ocean.

After the war the Golden Boy was placed where his maker intended him to be - on top of the Legislative Buildings in Manitoba.

God has placed you right where He wanted you to be.  He is always with you, to help you in every need.

Prayer: Dear Lord, I thank You for making me and placing me in my family.  Help me to be a blessing.  Amen.