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Be kind and compassionate. Ephesians 4:32

The sign said, 'Don't feed the Polar Bears.' Underneath, in small writing, the notice explained that people were throwing all kinds of junk into the pit and the bears were getting sick from eating candy wraps, popsicle sticks and chewing gum.

'It would be fun to see the polar bears chewing bubble gum,' Philip said. He got ready to spit his gum over the wall into the bear pit.

Then he changed his mind. 'I won't do that! It wouldn't be nice to make the bears sick.'

Billy was being kind and compassionate.

Prayer: Lord, help me be kind and compassionate to others around me every day. Amen.

Humble yourselves in the sight of God. James 4:10

Two goats, going in opposite directions, met on a narrow bridge. Neither one would back off to let the other go by. That meant they were both blocked from going on their way.

First, they fought until their heads ached. Finally, one lay down and the other stepped over, which allowed both to travel on.

Sometimes, we have to do things we didn't plan for and don't even like much. But God always rewards humble obedience to Him. In fact, He promises that if we humble ourselves before Him, He will honour us.

Prayer: Lord, help me to do what You want me to do. Amen.

I can do all things through Christ. Philippians 4:13

Have you heard the story about the two frogs who fell into a pail of dairy cream? One said, 'We'll never get out!' then sunk to the bottom and died. The other said 'I'm not going to give up.' He swam and swam. No help came, but the cream churned into butter and he was able to leap out to safety.

Do you ever feel like giving up in the Christian life? Most of us are tempted to feel that way sometimes. God does not expect us to give up. God expects us to use the good sense and abilities He's given us. With His help and strength, we can do anything that our God wants us to do.

Prayer: Father, thank You that You always help us to do what we should. Amen.

Be content with such things as you have. Hebrews 13:5

A little girl hated having brown eyes. Why could they not be blue?

One night she prayed that God would change the color. In the morning she rushed to the mirror. Her eyes were still brown. God's answer to her prayer was, 'No.'

Many years later, this girl worked as a missionary among people whose skin was dark, whose eyes were brown. One of the things these people loved about God's servant was that she had brown eyes, just like them.

Prayer: Thank You, Father, that You made me for Your purpose. Amen.

Pray continually. I Thess. 5:16

Sharon Paschke was a missionary in Japan, half a world away from her home church in Canada. Sometimes she was lonely for her family at home.

One day, a telephone system was set up in the church and Sharon was able to speak to her family and friends. How happy everybody was to hear her tell about God's work there and how happy Sharon was to hear the voices of the people she loved.  It seems wonderful that a person can talk in Japan and be heard in Canada.

Even more wonderful, we can talk to God in prayer and our voice is heard in Heaven.

Prayer: Thank You, Heavenly Father, that You hear and answer our prayers. Amen.